Last spring, as I prepared to return to California after six months in Spain, I was taken aback by the gloomy public perception of San Francisco; everyone seemed to think it was in a horrifying “doom loop” of non-stop crime and hopelessness. Was it really? Or was this just more media hype and political hot air?
I decided to find out. I took 20 day trips into the city, and what I discovered during those long rambles made it clear San Francisco is alive and kicking and still — if you know where to go — remarkably cheap and cheerful. It hasn't lost its quirky charm, freewheeling spirit, or ability to surprise the socks off of you. Far from being on life support, the city is busy redefining our collective future. My San Francisco is a love letter to my home city. When I sent out early review copies, the response was enthusiastic. “I loved this book! “Witty, wise, and informative” “An entertaining read and invaluable guide” “Captures both the soul and the stomach of San Francisco.” “You don’t need to visit San Francisco to enjoy this book!” In these pages, my regular readers will find stories from last summer’s blog posts — and so much more. I’ve expanded and updated the practical information and added in even more offbeat historical tidbits, outrageous urban legends, and wacky anecdotes. Writing it was tremendous fun, and I hope you'll get the same rib-tickling pleasure from reading it. NOW AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER ON AMAZON KINDLE |