"I loved this book," wrote Lonely Planet. "I must have laughed aloud at least once in every chapter ... The advice in the book is terrific." Read more
THE SACRAMENTO BEE Recommends Dancing in the Fountain
"Add these eclectic titles to your nightstand, e-reader, library or coffeetable," recommends the Sacramento Bee newspaper's culture columnist, Allen Pierleoni. Among his picks: Dancing in the Fountain. This article also appeared in the Times of India. "A lively and irreverent account of the joys and heartaches of the expat lifestyle."
The FABULOUS OVER FIFTY![]() We all have fantasized about picking up, packing up, and moving abroad a la Elizabeth Gilbert in Eat, Pray, Love. Meet one [woman] who did just that.
A warm, humorous account of fitting together life’s puzzle pieces regardless of surface. Karen McCann slowly wiggles her way into a Spanish community where friendships are nurtured “since baptism” ... She makes shopping for a screw driver sound like a grand adventure.
Rolf Potts, Vagabonding With wit, humor, and insight, McCann describes her experiences and the realization that moving to Europe and taking a leap of faith doesn’t always involve “buying a crumbling farmhouse and spending years restoring it with wise but semi-literate locals”. The book tells an engaging and realistic tale of how someone can create a modern life very much their own in a new and unfamiliar country. Johnny Jet, Dancing in the Fountain is McCann’s very entertaining, whimsical and heartfelt look at the expat life. Karen Jones, The Daily Basics I loved this book. Partly because I love Seville, but also because in telling the story of their adaptation to a new life, McCann teaches us how we can adapt to a lot of things in life . . . And I loved Dancing in the Fountain for its humor . . . she is definitely one of the best travel writers I have come across. Vera Marie Badertscher, A Traveler’s Library In her new book Dancing in the Fountain, Karen McCann's engaging style and sense of humor are both refreshing and immediately evident. In fact, I find them reminiscent of British author Peter Mayle and his romps in France, but with a bit more substance. Spain Expat Dancing in the Fountain: How to Enjoy Living Abroad is a breezy and engaging look at how moving overseas hits the reset button on your life. I loved her book and her sense of humor. Susan Pohlman, Expat Chat Her book is one long, glorious love letter to the Andalucían capital and its quirky, warm-hearted people. Maria Foley, I Was An Expat Wife A light, entertaining, and insightful peek into what it’s like to move abroad . . . I was quickly caught up in the well-woven stories, and I laughed out loud more than a few times; the acid test of a good book for me.
Nora Dunn, The Professional Hobo I loved this book. From the very first page the story fizzed with the energy of possibilities being discussed and plans being made. . . This book was an entertaining read, full of wry observations, dry wit and an acute sense of the ridiculous. I am now even more certain that one day I want to live abroad.
Polly Burns, Caught Writing Of all the expat books I’ve read, I have to say this is one of the best, rivaling only Peter Mayle’s tour de force, A Year in Provence. This was my late-afternoon-hammock read recently, and I found myself laughing so uproariously in several spots that I made the hammock sway dangerously and brought my husband and dogs out to see what was going on. Susanna Perkins, Future Expats Forum Highly recommended. It contains all the frustrations, challenges and eye-opening life stories that every expat will be all too familiar with and peppers them with plenty of laugh-out-loud moments. Expat Info Desk I devoured the book on a trip this summer though the Eastern seaboard, often subjected to gut-busting laughter and the wise head nods. The book was, in short, delightful...Karen captures the essence of Seville – its people, its food, its quirks that drive every single one of us crazy, all while deepening our love for this enchanting place. The perfect book for dreaming about getting away, of starting over in a new country and making it all work. Cat Gaa, Sunshine & Siestas I thoroughly enjoyed immersing myself in the trials and thrills that this American couple experienced after they decided to move to Seville, Spain . . . Dancing In The Fountain made me want to put on my dancing shoes and waltz on over to Seville. Krista Castner, Luxury Reading McCann threw herself into her new life in Seville with enthusiasm and a keen appreciation for the absurdities of the expat experience. |
TravelTalkRADIO Interview
"I really enjoyed this book," says host Sandy Dhuyvetter. "Very interesting and delightfully written!" The interview runs 24 minutes and went out to 185 countries. Listen here Karen McCann delivers a great how-to guide with her new [book]l “Dancing in the Fountain: How to Enjoy Living Abroad.” As a person who has never lived abroad or been out of the country I found it extremely interesting, thought-provoking, informative and even uplifting ... this tell-all living abroad tale ... is realistic and trustworthy.
Breanna Keller, Go Girl Magazine McCann’s voice carries this [book]; one feels an honorary member of her vividly illustrated circle of friends. It’s easy to imagine her finishing a thought, putting up a hand with a smile and saying—“Oh, that reminds me!” before she’s off again. . .
Emily Flocco, Go Girl Magazine "A fresh, funny and insightful look at expat life..."
The Leader Excite Radio Book Review
"a breezy and engaging look at the practical and personal ways that moving overseas hits the reset button on your life." Read more |